Friendships Change
Is it true that friends forever is a myth in this fast moving world? Well, it would be over the top if I say that it’s completely a myth. But yes, there are changes observed these days and that has got to do with you, your friend, technology and globalization. You cannot blame anybody for the change because there’s no one single reason. The amalgamation of the mentioned factors along with others are the major culprits.

While we were in school, our best friend used to be that person who used to share the bench with us. The one who used to bring extra lunch so that both could have it lavishly. Best friend used to be that person who used to call you on your landline number post school hours to chat and gossip. We would wait eagerly to meet that friend after summer vacations to share about literally anything and everything we did during the holidays. And the heartbreaking part used to come when the classes would get shuffled after every academic year. This used to bother you because you knew that you wouldn’t be getting ample amount of time to spend with him/her but still manage to catch up during breaks.

As and when we grew up, we began to have more friends (not just one). We made friends with the ones who we got along well. With the ones who had the same taste in books, music, TV Shows. Slowly, in our teens we were able to find our tribe. Sleepovers, movie time, mall visits together, birthday parties were a few of the things all of us used to do with our tribe. At that time, I’m sure that each one of us thought that, this is it, these people are going to be my forever friends. But, that has stayed true for very very few of us.

After school, everybody is usually excited about college. College is all about glitter and glamour for the most of us. We’ve always had the Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (famous Indian Romantic classic) college life in mind and always longed to get to college. But reality has always been quite different. Amidst, the chaotic college life, we never failed to find the bunch who made us feel at home. People who became your mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters overnight. Blood wasn’t the prime player of the bond development, but interest and passion certainly were. You got comfortable in the safe bubble with the people who you love and surrounded yourself with them at all times. But sadly, before you even realized, it was time for you to say goodbye to the bunch you always wanted to end up with.
There is actually a huge difference between college and post college friendships. While in college, you know millions of people, there are so many friend circles and so many acquaintances, so more and so forth. But post college, the circle gets smaller and smaller. This is a good sign. You end up keeping the ones who are “actually” close to you. Even though you’re left with a handful of people, don’t you worry! This handful of people are going to be there for you through thick and thin. They would never leave your side and that’s the kind of friendship you should strive for.
For me, I’ve been lucky to have such a handful of people from my school as well as college. I’ll forever be grateful about them because they’re the best of bests friends I could ever ask for, who I know, have got my back for the rest of my life! It is not that I meet them everyday or talk to them everyday. They are miles away from me, but still they know each and every detail about my life and vice versa. Such is life. Nothing is static. Nothing is immortal. Things change when people get dispersed to different nook and corner of the globe. Globalisation has made this whole world into a small village. That’s a blessing! But life, should go on. No matter how, no matter where it takes, you just have to tag along.

You should never stop tagging along because life takes you to places you’ve never imagined about. But always remember to keep your dear ones extremely near to you. Nothing is worth the love and affection they have for you. No matter how busy you get in life, spend some quality time with them. Be it over a coffee, food, or a phone window screen, spending time with your dear friends is not going to be regretful. Keep them close, make them happy and it in return will make you happy too.