How To Get Over Someone Who Ghosted You ?
Guys Guys !Today we are going to see how to get over someone who ghosted on you, when you really really liked them a lot. When you have been seeing someone for the past days or weeks or even months who has been a good friend , a great companion or even an acceptable partner !. First and Foremost task is understand which category they fall under and why has their absolute absence affecting you the way it is. When you figure out the answer for the above question their place in your life will be taken into a genre and actions according to it will be taken . What do you want from the person ?

Before texting them a million times or showing up to their house gates which do not open for you understand what you want from them and try to justify your answer by applying an equation .Is this person really someone whom you can rely on when in need ? cause come on! They left you without a single note explaining their absence from your life and not a single call to see how you are coping with life in their absence.
Set boundaries

Before you date or befriend someone understand what that person wants and what you want ! If both of you alll want the same jump head front but when the person is looking for a fling or someone to entertain them for the time being while you want a serious long relationship it’s time you move your carriage to the next stop.
So in case case they decide to ghost you out, you know the reason and doesn’t have to come to a conclusion of your choice which greatly disturbs your self esteem in a traumatizing manner.
Reminder note !.
Every person you go on a date with is not your boyfriend/girlfriend and they do not have to always explain to you the reason they decide to stop seeing you until you both have been emotionally too attached where it comes to a point of you to get a closure of why they ghosted you.
If they got emotionally attached to you they wouldn’t have ghosted you in the first place so there you go with your answers to the unasked questions.

Don’t let it get the better out of you !

I know how you feel because I have been there endured it so don’t let it demolish your own self worth and question your own abilities. It’s them who ghosted you cause they were not able to handle such a great package and it’s them who disappeared without a proper explanation and it’s them who should feel for losing a person who liked them. It is their loss, while you lost someone who genuinely did not like you and want to be with you, they lost someone who really liked them.
And saying that stop bothering yourself from them is directly not gonna take their thoughts out of your head so take it one step at a moment and explain yourself that they are no longer in your life and you should stop thinking about someone who didn’t bother explaining themselves out.
Occupy your mind !
When a person you have been texting and meeting non-stop ghosts you and you don’t know what to do with the little extra time you always spend it with them , go out there meet your friends and take your mind out of that person by being there in the real place or go meet a relative you genuinely like and spend some time with your family. You can even volunteer in a pet shelter to kill your time as the furry softies are known to create endorphins that are responsible for the release of happy hormones.

Search for yourself.

If you feel like you are good at nothing that’s why the person left you then you are absolutely wrong because you are a super cool human who was ready to fall in love with someone for who they were! So instead of letting the negative thoughts about your own self ruin your day do something that excites you in a way you don’t even think about the person who ghosted you . Do something you love that clears out the person who ghosted you even from the back of your mind. Busy yourself with a hobby which genuinely excites you and adds sparkle to your eyes .
Sleepover time !
Get your girls wear your pajamas and make that diy mask ! Or you could even get your guys go one a long ride which pacifies your disturbed mind .
Talk it out ! If the ghosting on issue is taking a severe toll on you talk about it to a reliable person or it could even be your own pet . You just want to talk about it and free yourself of the burden of holding it with an anchor !

Don’t lose self respect !
Don’t lose your self respect by texting them thousands of sorry’s for them ghosting on you and thinking it’s your fault and knocking on their door steps a hundred times demanding an answer . Pull yourself together and understand some douche bags still exists and it’s okay to not get an answer for every question when the person who ghosted on you completed ignores you as if you are an alien from Mars they haven’t seen before because they can’t handle the goodness you are !

Move on!
Dress up and clean yourself well and to stick the broken parts together go around places meet new people understand so much is there to the universe than crying over someone who didn’t care enough about you to give you a proper explanation for their disappearance .
Let the gravity and friction of this universe take charge over you and help you meet people who are sure about their feelings and doesn’t run away to shield their hearts but brave enough to invest it in the love market where its value will increase with the growth of the company !(meant the partner ).

Moreover love yourself enough because and be true to yourself so that you don’t ghost on yourself and even if people do that you have the heart to forget and enjoy life as it is.