Categories: Dating

Love For Real

Digital space has completely taken over our lives. We get so immersed in it that it makes us feel like there is barely any time for anything, which includes having a decent love life. Talking about love, today it has become as virtual as it can ever get, thanks to all those dating apps which are flooded in today’s market.

Is love something which can be expressed and experienced virtually? Isn’t the present generation missing on the whole emotional roller coaster journey called “love”? Back in the days, getting a glimpse of your loved one from a good distance was itself a heart throbbing experience. There were no phones to send text messages, but instead handwritten love letters were the thing back in those days. The couples would even stack up the letters and read whenever they missed their loved ones.

Saying “I love you” simply by looking in the eyes of your loved one was such a gutsy move to make. That rise in blood pressure, that anxiousness and nervousness was something which was definitely worth it all. Words meant a lot back then, and now, the first time one says “I love you” or “I want to break up with you”, is all through texts and emojis. Do you think texts and emojis can ever convey the way one feels about the other? It is nearly impossible!

Social media dating, online website dating are all the alternatives which partially reveal about an individual’s personality. How can you expect to find the love of your life knowing them partially? Meeting a person in real seems very outdated today. But guess what, if that’s what you think, then you’re definitely missing on a LOT in life. When people text their special someone, their heart might skip a beat or two. But instead of texting, when they actually end up meeting in person, their heart will do multiple somersaults and butterflies will be flying fanatically in their tummies. Yes, there is a fair amount of effort which needs to be put into getting out of your house and comfort zone to meet that person who you enjoy spending time with. But just imagine how beautiful it is going to be to spend some quality time with that soul who caught your attention? That, in fact will give you more clarity about why you fell for that person and why you want to take things forward with him/her.

I’ve heard people say that “love just happens”. I am all in with that idea, but I would like to remind that bunch, that love just doesn’t happen if you decide to chill at home in your pyjamas and swipe left and right. And if you’re in the doomed world where you think that’s how love happens, then I’m sorry dear, you need some real help!

The main aim of industrial revolution and bringing in the concept of mechanization and technology to this world was to make things easier for human beings and not to control them. How to make use of this, is completely up to us. Incorporating technology and old school is a deadly combo. The Blind Meet app does exactly that. The main motive behind the app is getting you out there to meet people. You can only wonder how life changing that is going to be. If you’re lucky, you might find your life partner and if not, you can give a shot at it again, but don’t ever lose hope.

If you have never been in love before, then this is your opportunity to feel it, for real. Come out of your phones and laptops. Start stepping out to the real world and get hold of some real emotions instead of emoticons. You have only one lifetime to fall in love and take the thrills that come your way, so why don’t you grab it at the earliest?


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