Sat There….
He sat there watching the people in every bit of their actions, not because he was spare of time but he couldn’t afford ignoring the folks. While he was being ignored as a part of his people’s daily routine. Sounds biased right? Well then wait up till you know the causes of such occurrences, probably try not to account yourself for more such happenings.
An average guy in his 20’s, to be more specific, a 4/10 guy to say in your trending conventional terms (rather to call it a labelled convention while it’s not). Introverted- that’s eventually what people would picture through their minds when they see him on his comfy corner minding his own job. But his mind would be screaming to jump off his comfort zone and wave loud at the world being joyful about his existence…! Will he be doing that?
While the so called beautiful ones are busy clicking their “post-able” pictures, recording those mini videos.
He has known the moments where he had an invisible ink on his entire self, of course which he hadn’t poured; the folks around played it on him and let it set on the contrary of their joy. Would say in his simple words that being not involved in a fancy media life is not a compulsion. Rather don’t those tiny moments matter about the “not so wide minds” just ghosting him, all because of one unfair reason- looks? Know the number of social gatherings he has made excuses for? It’s those incidences of his previous happenings that now he steps from the upcoming gatherings. If only he was being taking along to those outfit trials but wait, a carving of that one phrase where in- “It’s alright let me just wear some random outfit, doesn’t really make a difference on me” is ringing by default.
NO, hear that again- NO. None has to be disrespected on the basis of just looks.
Fake facades hide flaws that cannot exposed. But once the fake façade wears-off, the flaws project out unavoidably. Oh, how about putting up a new façade…? And do what? Repeat the cycle again and again on a perishable scale? Well, there has to be a way out.
The way has been traversing the horizon seeming to be an infinite path of freedom, where each breath seems a refresh, exhausting out the thoughts that have been blocking every move. Hesitations no longer persists for right things that has to be done- is the world in which each of us has to live in and let live in.
The ‘HE’ referring above doesn’t restrict to just ‘He’, it might be a ‘SHE’ as well, living in a prison of her disturbed mind. Isn’t it humanity that has to care for helping her out from that prison which she hasn’t created but is unfairly gifted to her by the not so favored ones? You wouldn’t want to be in the prison and neither be the one gifting it out.
Rolling further, think of meeting a stranger just to help them out their mind blocks, eventually not just theirs but yours as well. It’s not the materialistic helping hand that one needs mostly, the heart filling talks and smiles are more than any explainable favor. How about we get to meet a person whom we never knew and all that it would result in, is a blissful breeze… How will you meet someone though? Maybe a noteworthy app can make an appearance here.
The recent days have shaped to an extent where there are hundreds of apps to figure out 101 things in our lives. Take a step towards something worth out of those apps. To say about BLIND MEET, it’s that app which lets to meet a person with complete non-judgmental persona.
This spoke volumes, spoke what everyone has to say… beautifully done.
there is so much emphasis on looks that we forget who we are. Perfect choice of words. I could relate to this so much
Just when I googled about low self esteem because of the way I look, I stumbled upon this piece.
I felt better after reading.. cuz of my weight I get taunted a lot. Made fun of a lot. This helped me get a little better.. knowing there are so many out there just like me. And it’s okayy
I relate to this one too. It was a short and sweet read.
I am just happy I am NOT the only one out there….
You are never alone. Even if you ever feel lonely or want to talk to someone I am there. I am a consultant psychologist and work with the young minds. I happen to come across this writing and its nicely written.
You can get back to me on my gmail : [email protected]