Want People To Know The Real YOU?!
Have you ever experienced that moment when after spending the entire day with people who you are close to and coming back home to feel that something didn’t go quite well? You feel what you project in front of these people may not be your real self and then wonder again why does this happen? This sort of dilemma exists in almost every professional environment be it your education or your workplace. Whenever you speak to someone the dilemma of ‘ Should I speak what I feel?’
‘What if it may not go well with another person’ or thoughts like ‘Will this person judge me on having this choice’ stops you from expressing yourself with authenticity. There’s an interesting theory of communication termed as ‘Spiral of Silence’ which refers to the tendency of people to remain silent when they feel that their views are in opposition to the majority view on a subject. The two main reasons why we silent our opinion is firstly because fear of isolation when the group or public realizes that the individual has a divergent opinion from the status quo and secondly due to fear of reprisal or more extreme isolation, in the sense that voicing your opinion might lead to a negative consequence beyond that of mere isolation such as loss in status or job for that matter.
Due to all this what we do most of the time is we try to impress everyone around us with a false identity in order to be accepted by the majority. In the process of being liked desperately and to fit in, with the “crowd” and be accepted and not cause any stir in the pot. This problem curtails majorly when we are twenty somethings and in order to fit in with people, we try to connect in every possible way be it fashion, hobbies, ideology, food choices, and what not. What we don’t realize is how important it is to embrace the parts of ourselves that are unique and share them with others. Some people will like you while others do not. That’s true regardless of your personality.
To start with expressing ourselves in the most real way it’s very important personally that we meet ourselves. To meet ones’ real side we can start from making the time to pursue the activities that appeal to us the most like go on trekking, learn to paint, or volunteer with an organization. When you’re living your life to the fullest and being happy people can see you at your best. They will know what makes us complete. With self-confidence and self-awareness and by actually focusing on the things that are special to us we can project the real us. You’ll enjoy life much more. Like imagine if you love reading, it is one of your hobbies, why be shy telling that out, why be reluctant to accept that you love books? If you are being mocked at for liking something, then that is some bad news because you now you need to find someone who likes you for who you are. You are “YOU” for the things you like, for the hobbies you have, for the talents you possess. Cherish what you are, accept and be confident about who you are as a person, love that person to bits and do not let anybody tell you otherwise.
Your true personality is revealed when you’re happy and light.
Another element that is of the utmost importance in the way we express ourselves is communication. Communication is not only speech it’s also our gestures, body language, and expressions. It’s very important to have an opinion and a decent way in which we put it forward without enforcing it. Moreover, it’s important to start the conversation. Starting a conversation and sharing our opinion seems easy to some and is natural. Many of us keep our opinions to ourselves in an effort not to offend, but it has a negative effect .Surprisingly people who have an opinion and share it come across as strong and interesting.
It is of great importance to give yourself the freedom to be you by letting go of comparisons, labels, status, and criticism. This will empower who you are within and give you the courage to actualize. It will also allow you to accept your uniqueness and individuality, regardless of whether or not you have any kind of support when becoming who you know you really are.
It is well known that we can’t know everything, so learning from others is one way to grow and become more interesting. And like most things that improve us, the process of gaining that bravery isn’t necessarily easy. If we are willing to speak to we must be willing to listen as well. The very fact human beings are grey in nature balances our uniqueness and flaws.
Start trying new things which will help you be able to know if something works for you or not, instead of just wondering or assuming. Taking the example of Blind Meet App, which gives it’s user a chance to meet someone without a preconceived notion. Things like these may work for certain set of people. Getting uncomfortable is the start of being real. There are some things you might be uncertain about. You might even be uncertain about whether or not this will work for you, but if there is any desire or curiosity, encourage yourself to at least give it a try. Sometimes if something is not working for you, trying something new, it might be what you need to redirect you to your path of happiness. In all this process you will meet this person who may seem flawed on some levels but what is a human being who doesn’t have any flaws. Accepting our flaws and giving space to another person’s flaws is what makes us real and the same time fills us with a feeling of contentment.